miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011


Once upon a time there were three tortoises - a father, a mother and a baby. One beautiful spring day, they decided to go for a picnic. They got tins of salmon, and sandwiches, and chocolates, and ice-creams, and fruit, and orange squash and put everything in their baskets and after three months they were ready. It was summer and it was sunny and very hot, and they set out carrying their baskets.

They walked and walked and after three months they sat down and had a rest. They were a mile from home. It was autumn and it was cloudy and raining. They set out again and walked and walked and walked and in three months they reached the picnic place.
They were two miles from home. It was winter and it was snowing and very cold. They unpacked their baskets and spread out the cloth, and arranged the food it and it looked lovely.

Then, mother tortoise looked into the baskets. She turned them all upside down and shook them, but they were empty.
At last she said, "We've forgotten the tin-opener!" 
They looked at each other and at last Father tortoise said, "Baby, you'll have to go back for it." 
"What!" said the baby. "Me! Go back all that long way!"
"We can't start without a tin-opener. We'll wait for you," said Father tortoise.
"Do you promise that you won't touch a thing till I come back?" Baby said.
"Yes, we promise," they said, and Baby dissapeared behind the trees.

And Father and Mother waited. They waited and waited and waited and a whole year passed and they got really hungry.
"Don't you think we could have just one sandwich each?" said Mother tortoise.
"No," said Father tortoise. "We promised. We must wait till he comes back."
So they waited and waited and waited, and another year passed, and they got really hungry.
It's six years now. Let's have one sandwich while we're waiting," said Father tortoise.
They picked up the sandwiches, but just as they were going to eat them, a little voice said, "Aha! I knew you would cheat." And Baby tortoise popped his head out of a bush. "It's a good think I didn't go back for the tin-opener," he said.


Este cuento lo hemos estado contando durante las horas de inglés. Es un cuento divertido y les ha gustado mucho. Además, ha coincidido con la visita de mis dos tortugas al colegio. Las tenemos como "mascotas adoptadas" durante la semana: les damos de comer, las limpiamos, las sacamos al sol en el recreo...
Es divertido jugar con ellas, porque además, no muerden, ni se enfadan...
Ahora, mis alumnos están haciendo unos dibujos sobre el cuento, y en cuanto estén os los colgaré para que veáis el arte que tienen mis pequeños.
Saludos a todos...

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